To provide support to schools, and related organizations in selecting and developing heritage resources in digital format and thereby make a tangible and memorable investment in the future. |
Based on this vision and the new Alberta Social Studies curriculum, initial SDHPs (School Digital Heritage Projects) will focus on Alberta. General and grade specific project suggestions are made in the SDHPs proposal. Although initial project suggestions focus on Social Studies, Language Arts, and Information Technology; suggestions for projects in other areas such as drama, and music are also made. Use the contact infomation below for more information on projects:
David Ibsen Ph. D. M.Ed. B.Ed.
FACTS (Family and Community Twining Society)
Email: Phone: (780) 962-8539 Fax: (780) 960-2057
Address: 510 Queen Street, Spruce Grove, AB. T7X 2J5
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